School preps us for earning a living, but often skips teaching us how to build a fulfilling, healthy life let alone effectively manage emotions and utilize critical thinking skills to be self-sufficient and effectively problem solve.
We're not truly living; most of us just get by.
I've been there. As a kid, all the way through my 30’s, I had intense emotions, made impulsive decisions and my vision for the life I wanted to live was unclear. Ok, maybe it was clear momentarily and then life started throwing curveballs and I was left questioning what I was doing and who I wanted to become.
It led me down a rough path, including drugs, an eating disorder and a lot of throwing shit to the wind to see what would stick and what worked.
Through therapy, coaching, self-development programs, yoga, philosophy, surfing and training in the gym, I did a 180. I learned to channel my emotions, kick destructive habits, built a thriving business and a life I'm proud of — all by finding and sticking to a system that works.
Just like a car or a company needs a system to function, so do we. I imagine you’re mentally checking off multiple bullet points I listed above without a system that works.
I'm here to guide you through a system where you'll develop life skills, intimate relationships, navigate challenges feeling like you’re holding the reins of your own life and live more peacefully and purposefully.
Through your commitment you'll begin to cross off those bullet points and your physical, emotional, mental and spiritual health will harmonize.
Women over 40 with the desire to transform their physical health, develop emotional balance, mental clarity and gain spiritual fulfillment.